Build your own cat enclosure with a Pet Nets WA DIY kit specially tailored to your needs.

Give your cat an outdoor space they will love

  • Cat netting DIY cat run

    Plan it.

    It all begins with an idea. Choose a space that has a good mix of sunshine and shelter. Think about how you can you enrich the space to make the enclosure a wonderland that your cats will adore. Think about how your cat will access the enclosure, and whether you need a zipper gate for access also.

  • DIY Cat run cat netting

    Measure it.

    Imagine each run of net as a separate element: A net roof / a net wall / a zipper gate. Measure the length and width of each run of net. Take phots of the space showing where each run of net will be fitted. Pet Nets will provide you with all of the specific hardware that you need to fit the net.

  • Cat Enclosure DIY Cat net

    Build it.

    Pet Nets WA will put together a tailored DIY Kit with all of the materials that you need to install a frameless netted cat enclosure at your home. The tools that you will need are a drill, a hammer, good sharp scissors, a small screwdriver and a small shifter.

Request a DIY Kit quote by emailing photos and measurements to Christie at